DSO’s/Dance Teachers, Make Your Class Endings be the Beginnings of a Life-long Relationship Between You and Your Adult Dance Students — Video 10 seals the deal

4 min readSep 24, 2021


Special thanks to Kathy Howard Photography

How do you want your adult dancers to feel when they finish a one-hour class with you?

I ask this question because Video 10 in the TDW Treasure Chest is all about making the class endings be the actual beginnings of a life-long relationship between you and your adult dance students.

So let me guess how you want them to feel when they leave your class…

Exhilarated! Exuberant! Joyful! Dying to come back!

You want them to sign up and commit to coming to every single adult class you teach!

You want them to find a babysitter, bargain with their husbands, leave work in time, and in other words move heaven and earth to get to your class each and every time!

By the way, not only have new students burst into tears at the end of my classes when trying to tell me how much they loved it; but I’ve also had people literally move to live closer to my classes, not accept job offers that interfered with our class times, and rearrange their other commitments! Now that’s what I’m talking about!

When your precious students walk out of your class, dripping with pride and sweat, you want them feeling on top of the world. Like there is no other single thing in this world that gives them this feeling.

The final song contributes to this incredible feeling.

It basically seals the deal.

It brings us full circle.

It closes the loop.

It is the moment every single student in your class knows they have accomplished something herculean during the past hour. Dripping with sweat, they feel strong, joyful, accomplished, inspired, and super-proud of themselves. These are feelings that bring your students back day-after-day, month-after-month, and year-after-year. They can’t get enough of it.

We always pick a really beautiful song for the final song. One that makes your heart ache with love and glory. And one that allows our dancers to finally relax, stretch, and reflect upon what they have done for the past 55 minutes.

When that last note finishes, the class erupts into applause! We are a hot, sweaty, perfect mess! It is incredible.

Prior to the pandemic, we would often quickly get into what we call a “stinky huddle” and take a photo. It seems that all of us wanted to capture that amazing moment so we would never, ever forget that glorious feeling.

At this point I have thousands of photos of our stinky huddles. I love them so much because each and every person in each and every class on each and every day wanted to prolong and capture that glorious moment at the end of The Dancer’s Workout® class. I am looking forward to the day when we feel safe enough to cuddle together for more stinky huddles…

The featured song in Video 10 in the TDW Treasure Chest is the final song in the one-hour “Second Chances” masterclass — it is a good example of the type of song we like to use to end our hour together.

Speaking of not wanting to end our time together…

We love sharing the TDW Treasure Chest with you! We hope we have inspired you and warmed your heart!

There are several different ways we can continue to stay close. Click here to see our DSO menu of options.

Even though this is the end of our Treasure Chest masterclass, we hope we will continue to…

See you in class!


Jules Szabo, founder of The Dancer’s Workout® (TDW) is a classically trained ballerina from the UNC School of the Arts and former corporate executive who helps busy working women, mothers, and empty nesters rediscover their love of dance. She specializes in the para-professional dancer (adult dancers who are not beginners and not professionals who simply love dance over most other forms of exercise). The Dancer’s Workout® classes were designed to provide former dancers an emotionally and physically safe path back to dance and to help current adult dancers and dance instructors achieve their daily fitness goals through dance. If you are a current or former dancer, you are invited to come dance with us.

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Current Dancer? Get 24/7 access to our online classes HERE.

Been a while since you danced? Grab our 21-Day DANCER RESTARTER WIZARD and gain access to our LOST LOVE RECOVERY PROGRAM FOR FORMER DANCERS!

DSOs-Interested in bringing The Dancer’s Workout® to your studio? Check this out.

Teachers — Interested in becoming certified to teach The Dancer’s Workout®? Check this out!




Written by jules-thedancersworkout

Jules is a classical ballerina and former corporate executive who helps adult dancers achieve their daily fitness goals through dance www.thedancersworkout.com

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